Dit artikel wordt u aangeboden door Aegon Asset Management.

Webinar 'Integrating sustainability in government bond portfolios'

Webinar 'Integrating sustainability in government bond portfolios'

Sovereign bonds have regained investors’ interest on the back of higher yields, the need for liquidity buffers, and increased global volatility. Beyond the traditional qualities of the asset class, government bonds play a unique role in delivering on sustainable development commitments. In response to the rising prominence of ESG factors in asset allocation, Aegon Asset Management offers insights about sustainable investing in sovereign portfolios that can help investors align their capital with crucial social and environmental topics, as well as fulfill fiduciary and reporting obligations.

We look forward to welcoming you to our live webinar about integrating sustainability in government bond portfolios. 

  • During the webinar, Julius Huttunen, CFA (Head of ESG – Public Fixed Income), will outline our research and in-house approach to defining sustainability for sovereigns.
  • Irina Kurochkina, CFA (Portfolio Manager Fixed Income), will share her experience in managing an investment portfolio based on a sustainable universe of countries. They will also discuss the lessons learned from reclassifying the Sustainable Sovereign Strategy to the EU’s SFDR Article 9 and how it increases transparency and accountability toward investors.
  • Brunno Maradei, CFA (Global Head of Responsible Investment at Aegon AM), will be our host for the webinar.

We aim to keep these sessions interactive and invite you to ask questions during the webinar.

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